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West Wycombe High Street Proposed Parking Restrictions


West Wycombe Parish Council has been seeking to address the issue of footway incursion by motor vehicles in the West Wycombe High Street.

Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) have suggested measures which they believe will address this issue.

The Parish Council recognises that residents and local businesses will not welcome any reduction in parking capacity; however, the issue we are trying to address is the safety of pedestrians.


West Wycombe Parish Council High Street Proposed Parking Restrictions


West Wycombe Parish Council High Street Proposed Parking Restrictions

Support, comment or object on the Proposed Restrictions

You can have your say on the proposal by visiting






West Wycombe High Street Pavement Incursion Report

The Parish Council was asked by local residents to look at ways of improving pedestrian safety as impatient drivers were often seen to mount and drive along the pavement . With a start delay caused by lockdown, the Parish Council instructed Transport for Bucks to carry out a feasibility study for which we would conrtibute 50% of the total cost of £6,000. Several onsite meetings with TfB officers and technicians were held prior to this taking place; this was to ensure they witnessed the issue for themselves but also understood the constraints. In early 2022 a trial was undertaken in order to produce suggestions, recommendations and a report for consideration.

We have now received the final report of that feasibility study and this can now be read below. We are also attaching the first document produced after our initial meetings as this clearly explains some of the issues which had to be considered.

The Parish Council accepts the report and is minded to pursue options 2,3 and 4 and we now have to look at funding and the consultation process.

Our aim is to improve the road safety of all pedestrianswhich was the original request.


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Copyright © 2019-2024 Mike Henson and West Wycombe Parish Council

Carousel and Banner Photographs Courtesy Hugh Mothersole - National Trust Volunteer Photographer, London and South East