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Golden Ball on the Church of St Lawrence in West Wycombe
Church Lane West Wycombe
Entrance to the Church Room Clock, West Wycombe
West Wycombe House
West Wycombe School
Chorley Road, West Wycombe
High Street, West Wycombe. Looking West
High Street, West Wycombe, Opposite entrance to St Paul's Church, West Wycombe
Hellfire Caves Entrance, West Wycombe
High Street, West Wycombe. Looking East
High Street, West Wycmobe, Looking West
The Dashwood Mauseleum on the hill overlooking West Wycombe
Golden Ball on the Church of St Lawrence in West Wycombe
Church Lane West Wycombe
Entrance to the Church Room Clock, West Wycombe
West Wycombe House
West Wycombe School
Chorley Road, West Wycombe
High Street, West Wycombe. Looking West
High Street, West Wycombe, Opposite entrance to St Paul's Church, West Wycombe
Hellfire Caves Entrance, West Wycombe
High Street, West Wycombe. Looking East
High Street, West Wycmobe, Looking West
The Dashwood Mauseleum on the hill overlooking West Wycombe

Welcome to the website of the
West Wycombe Parish Council


West Wycombe is a small village situated on the A40 three miles west of High Wycombe in the Chiltern Hills of Buckinghamshire and is the central point of the Civil Parish of West Wycombe. The Parish extends from Chapel Lane in the East to the boundary of Bradenham Parish on the A4010 and the boundary of Piddington Parish on the A40. It has a population of approxiately 1,300 adults plus children.

The Parish is a mix of urban and rural residential properties, working farms and local businesses. As you travel from High Wycombe to West Wycombe the Golden Ball of the church of St Lawrence and the Dashwood Mausoleum are visually impressive landmarks overlooking the parish and visually dominating the village and local landscape for miles.

Once you reach the Pedestal Roundabout on the A40 you can travel along the A4010 through the Chilterns towards Aylesbury or continue on the A40 through the village of West Wycombe and the fields owned by West Wycombe Estate towards either Stokenchurch and the M40 or the Chiltern village of Bledlow Ridge.

The historic village is largely owned by the National Trust and receives a large influx of tourists - being the site of West Wycombe Park, West Wycombe Caves, St Lawrence Church and the Mausoleum on top of West Wycombe Hill.

Although it is on the busy A40, the village centre retains much of its historical charm because it is mainly owned by the National Trust, and so has resisted modernisation.

West Wycombe Park, Hellfire Caves, Mausoleum and St Lawrence Church were all constructed in the mid-18th century by Sir Francis Dashwood, founder of the Dilettanti Society and co-founder of the notorious Hellfire Club.

The High Street has a number of 'old-fashioned' shops (in appearance at least), as well as three pubs, some small offices, a well-used Village Hall and St Paul's Church.

Just off the High Street is the village Combined School (ages 4–11).


If you are not a user of Facebook you can catch up with all our latest news by scrolling down to our Facebook feed further down this page.


Please scroll down the page to find the tabs to view the Accounts, Governance, Meetings, Planning and Services of West Wycombe Parish Council


Guidance on using the Outdoor Gym Equipment


Elections 2025

Elections 2025


Click on image to open pdf file

High Street Footway Incursion Feasibility Study


West Wycombe Parish Council has been seeking to address the issue of footway incursion by motor vehicles on the West Wycombe High Street.

Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) have proposed measures which they believe will address this issue.

The Parish Council recognises that residents and local businesses will not welcome any reduction in parking capacity; however, the issue we are trying to address is the safety of pedestrians.


You can view the proposals on

West Wycombe High Street Proposed Parking Restrictions


Latest Changes to our Website

direct from our RSS Feed

Latest News

direct from our Facebook Feed

Fix My Street

Latest Reports



West Wycombe has three defibrillators located at the Village Hall, the Pavilion in the Pedestal Playing Field and at the entrance to the Churchyard on West Wycombe Hill.

Fault Reporting


Please report pot holes, flooding, street lighting or path problems online or in an emergency call 01296 382416

Fly Tipping

Fly Tipping

Fly tipping polutes our landscape and is expensive to clear. Please report online or call 01296 480771


You can find all the latest planning applications in our Planning Section below which is updated every Monday.



Please be aware that because some documents are produced by third parties they may not be Accessible.

The Localism Act (Transparency Code) requires Councils to publish their financial situation annually before 1st July, under the following headings:



Budget / Precept


Budget / Precept



Notice of Completion of Audit
AGAR (Post-Audit)
Notice of Exercise of Public Rights
Explanation of Variances
AGAR (Pre-Audit)
Bank Reconciliation
Internal Audit Tests
Annual Accounts
Budget / Precept



Notice of Completion of Audit

AGAR (Post-Audit)

Notice of Exercise of Public Rights

AGAR (Pre-Audit)

Asset Register

Annual Accounts

Bank Reconciliation

Explanation of Variances

Internal Audit

Internal Audit Plan

Revised Budget (March 2022)

Budget / Precept


Notice of Completion of Audit

AGAR (Post Audit)

Notice of Exercise of Public Rights

AGAR (Pre-Audit) (Revised)

AGAR (Pre-Audit)

Asset Register

Annual Accounts

Bank Reconciliation

Explanation of Variances

Financial Report

Internal Audit Plan

Internal Audit Report




Notice of Completion of Audit

AGAR (post audit)

Notice of Exercise of Public Rights

AGAR (pre-audit)

Annual Accounts

Asset Register

Bank Reconciliation

Internal Audit Plan

Internal Audit Report



Notice of Completion of Audit

Notice of Exercise of Public Rights

AGAR (post audit)

AGAR (pre-audit)

Annual Accounts

Asset Register

Bank Reconciliation

Internal Audit Testing

Internal Audit Plan



Notice of Completion of Audit

Notice of Exercise of Public Rights

AGAR (post audit)

AGAR (pre-audit)

Annual Accounts

Asset Register

Bank Reconciliation

Internal Audit Testing




Various pieces of government legislation govern the way in which councils operate. Many of these documents require updating on an annual or as-required basis when the core legislation is updated or circumstances change within the council.


Governance and Policies

Allotment Tenancy Agreement

Anonymous Correspondence Policy

Burial Ground Rules, Regulations and Fees

Child Protection Policy

Code of Conduct

Community Engagement Policy

Complaints Procedure

Covid-19 Scheme Of Delegation

Equality and Diversity Policy

Financial Regulations

Financial Reserves Policy

Freedom of Information Act Inventory

Grants and Donations Policy

Grievance Policy

Harassment Policy

Health and Safety Policy


Insurance - Employers

LGPS Discretionary Policy

Media Policy

Notice of Interment Form

Play Policy

Play Inspection

Risk Assessment Schedule

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment - Health and Safety

Risk Benefit Scheme - Pedestal Playground

Scheme of Delegation

Social Media Policy

Standing Orders

Temporary Signage Application Form

Training Policy


General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

Data Protection Policy

Document Retention and Records Policy

Email Policy

Information Security Policy

Privacy Policy


Plans and Projects

Grass Cutting Map

HS2 Petitioner Evidence for 17th November 2015 Hearing

Parish Plan Results 2011

Parish Plan Results 2013

Parish Plan Proposals - 2013/14

Pedestal Playing Field Inspection Report 2017

Traffic Calming Report

History of the HS2 Funds for our Parish


Meetings, Agenda and Minutes 2024

Meetings start at 8pm

Members of the public are invited to attend and there is a session at the beginning of each meeting where questions can be asked and statements made. We look forward to seeing you.

Agendas and Minutes for previous meetings can be found in the Archive


11th January - Agenda - Minutes

8th February - Agenda - Minutes

14th March - Agenda - Minutes

11th April - Agenda - Minutes

9th May - Annual Parish Council Meeting - Agenda - Minutes
9th May - Ordinary Meeting - Agenda - Minutes

23rd May - Annual Parish Meeting - Agenda - Minutes

13th June - Agenda - Minutes

11th July - Agenda - Minutes

Meetings will take place on the second Wedneday of each month in the Village Hall and start at 8pm.

8th August – if required

11th September - Agenda - Minutes

9th October - Agenda - Minutes

13th November - Agenda - Minutes

11th December - Cancelled


Meetings, Agenda and Minutes 2025

Meetings will take place on the second Wednesday of each month in the Village Hall and start at 8pm

Members of the public are invited to attend and there is a session at the beginning of each meeting where questions can be asked and statements made on any item which is listed for discussion at the meeting. We look forward to seeing you.

Agendas and Minutes for previous meetings can be found in the Archive


8th January 2025 - Agenda -

12th February 2025 - Agenda -

12th March 2025

9th April 2025

14th May 2025 - Annual and Ordinary Council Meetings

28th May 2025 - Annual Parish Meeting

11th June 2025

9th July 2025

13th August 2025 (Provisional)




Planning 2024

Older planning applications can be found in the Archive


58 Chorley Road West Wycombe
Householder application for demolition of existing garage and construction of part single storey, part two storey side/rear extension


474 West Wycombe Road High Wycombe
Householder application for construction of outbuilding to rear


17 Copperfields High Wycombe
Householder application for extension to existing dropped kerb and new vehicle hardstanding 


West Wycombe Conservation Area West Wycombe Park West Wycombe
Fell to ground level x 57 Ash (507-519, 521-524, 527, 757, 1026, 1036-1038, 1045, 1048, 1050, 1051, 1063, 1068, 1072, 1091, 1092, 1311, 1836, 1838, 1839, 1844, 1850-1852, 1855-1860, 1866, 1868, 1869, 1871, 1874-1881) and reduce whole crown by up to 4 metres x 4 Ash (520, 1047, 1854, 1870) as all trees listed have significant symptoms of ash dieback and present a risk to the public visiting the site as well as staff working on the site


46 Copperfields High Wycombe
Householder application for formation of habitable room in roof space with rear dormers and side facing rooflight


West Wycombe Conservation Area West Wycombe Park West Wycombe
Proposed tree works as per schedule


148 Chorley Road West Wycombe
Certificate of lawfulness for proposed garden studio


60 Chapel Lane High Wycombe
Fell due to Ash Dieback x 2 Ash (T6 & T8), fell as too large for garden x 4 Sycamore (T3, T4, T5 & T7), x 2 Elder (T9 & T10), x 1 Orchard Apple (T11), x 1 Hazel (T12) and fell as dead x 1 Orchard Apple (T13)


St Pauls Church High Street West Wycombe
New timber shed within the curtilage


Glendene Park Farm Road High Wycombe
Householder application for construction of two storey rear extension and first floor front extension


St Pauls Church High Street West Wycombe
Repair works and minor alterations to the vestry including re-roofing, new rainwater goods and new windows


361B & 361C West Wycombe Road High Wycombe
Raising of the existing ridge by 750mm to create loft conversion with new gabled end, flat dormer to the rear plus 2 x rooflights to the front elevation


Towerage Barn Toweridge Lane West Wycombe
Application for approval of details subject to Condition 06 (Insulation details) and partial approval to Condition 03 (Materials) of planning ref: 21/08230/LBC


West Wycombe Conservation Area West Wycombe Park West Wycombe
Thin northern most stem above union by 15% and install non invasive cobra bracing to reduce excessive movement x 1 Sycamore (T0533)


Park Farm Workshops Chapel Lane High Wycombe
Application for approval of details subject to Condition 5 (Bat Box) of planning ref: 23/06588/FUL


Glendene Park Farm Road High Wycombe
Householder application for proposed construction of two storey rear extension, loft conversion including side dormer and roof lights


Hill Cottage Church Lane West Wycombe
Listed building application for construction of single storey rear link extension


Hill Cottage Church Lane West Wycombe
Householder application for construction of single storey rear link extension


West Wycombe Conservation Area West Wycombe Park West Wycombe
Trim back by up to 1.5m so as to provide clearance of lamp stands and remove obstruction from the pavement x 1 Yew Hedge (H1) and crown reduction by up to 1.5m so as to provide clearance around lamp stands and remove obstruction from the carriageway x 1 Yew (T1)




The allotments, located in Chorley Road, were developed at the request of residents in 2009.

The Parish Council was only able to provide these thanks to the generosity of Sir Edward Dashwood who leased the land to the Council for this purpose.

There are currently 25 full and half sized plots.

There is always a short waiting list so if you are interested in taking an allotment you should make contact with the Parish Clerk to have your name added to the list.

For details of fees and the Tenancy Agreement please visit the Governance Section above and photographs in the Gallery


Burial Ground

The Burial Ground is located in the centre of the village behind St Paul's Church.

The Burial Ground and the field beyond, were leased to the Parish Council by Sir Francis Dashwood for the purpose in 1987 and the terms of the lease state "Interments in this burial ground are only allowed for residents of the Civil Parish of West Wycombe, since its inception in 1987 and whose name is on the Civil Electoral Roll.

Current Burial Fees, Rules and Regulations can be found in the Governance Section above and photographs in the Gallery

A full list of interments can be found on our Interments Page



The Parish Council have defibrilators installed in the porch of the Village Hall in the centre of the village, on the pavilion in the Pedestal Playing Field and at the top of the hill adjacent to St. Lawrence Church.


Grass Cutting

The Parish Council is responsible for cutting the grass in the Burial Ground, Allotments and Pedestal Playground. Currently, as part of their lease, Downley Dynamos are responsible for cutting the Pedestal Playing Field. There are other areas where the Parish Council is responsible and they are marked on the Grass Cutting Map produced by Buckinghamshire Council. All other areas of grass are the responsibility of Buckinghamshire Council


Pedestal Play Ground and Playing Field

Play In the 2008 Parish Plan questionnaire the residents of West Wycombe asked for a playground and the Parish Council put a three year plan in place.

Sir Edward Dashwood leased the Pedestal Playing Field to the Parish Council and money was raised through fete's and donations as well as a small increase in the Precept.

That three year plan was completed in 2012 and the children of West Wycombe now enjoy an entertaining and challeging play area

The West Wycombe Estate retains and is responsible for the Changing Rooms and the Parish Council has leased the open space to the Downley Dynamos on short term.

The facility has become so popular that it has been necessary to extend the small car park which, thanks to road works on the A40 and in liason with Buckinghamshire Council, has been covered with scalpings as have the allotment parking area.

Over the years a basketball/netball post was installed along with a table tennis table and in early 2023 a range of adult exercise equipment was added.

There are photographs of the playground in the Gallery


Outdoor Gym

The Outdoor Gym situated in the Pedestal Playing Field provides somewhere for local residents to enjoy the benefits to both physical and mental health of exercising in the open air, either individually or in the company of others; it is intended for use by adults of all ages and the range of equipment reflects this.

Anyone using the equipment must read the instructions first. Each piece of equipment is also labelled with instructions for use, and the manufacturers have created an app for mobile devices that includes user and workout guides, available via Google Play and the App Store.



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Copyright © 2019-2024 Mike Henson and West Wycombe Parish Council

Carousel and Banner Photographs Courtesy Hugh Mothersole - National Trust Volunteer Photographer, London and South East